Gwyl CefniWell done to everyone who performed yet again at Gwyl Cefni- A job well done by each and everyone. |
Mental Health Awareness WeekWe had lots of lovely acrivities to promote Mental Health Week. |
Canine Assisted LearningThank you Parker for coming to visit! He looked smart in his work coat! |
Ten Pin Bowling!Canol 2 had a great time yesterday afternoon ten pin bowling at Dragon Bowl RAF Valley- Thank You Mr Clarke for allowing us to visit! |
Celebrating the Chinese New Year.
Thanks to Bangor University for coming to the school to hold activities to celebrate the Chinese new year.
Fun in the Park!
Cynradd 2 has enjoyed being able to visit the park this term.
Cynradd have enjoyed having the opportunity to go running and jumping in Anglesey Gymnastics Club in Holyhead.
Gymnastics Competition
A gymnastics competition ran by Gymnastics Wales was held in partnership with Rotary and Disability Sport Wales at Plas Arthur. Success was achieved and a group of pupils went to Bala to compete further. Everyone enjoyed it and everyone received a ribbon or medal, well done to everyone!
Clever Cubs Club
The school hall was buzzing recently, a visitor came over to the school with a trove of sensory equipment and to run sensory stories workshops – which everyone thoroughly enjoyed.
Size of Wales
Thanks to Alison Mure from Size of Wales for visiting us. Canol 2 and Ceint 2 enjoyed learning about orangutans and the rainforests, with Cynradd 3b, Cynradd 5, Canol 1 and Ceint 4 learning about the elephants living in the rainforests.
Instrumental lessons.
Many pupils at the school have had a taste for playing musical instruments – guitar, piano and drums!
St David's Day Parade –Amlwch
Cynradd 5 pupils and staff enjoyed walking in the parade at Amlwch and having fun singing and dancing with Mr T and Catrin.
St David's Day Parade –Llangefni
A group from the school enjoyed performing Samba as part of the parade in Llangefni and having fun dancing and singing with Tesni Huws.
Bird Boxes
Thanks Dylan and Will from AONB for visiting Ceint 4 to demonstrate how to create a bird box.
Fab Friday!
We have continued to have lots of fun on Fridays such as red nose day, celebrating book day and watching a movie and having delicious popcorn!
Easter Eggs
A big thank you to Andy Hughes, Eddie Howarth, Keith Williams a Phil from Anglesey Motorcycle Club who kindly donated Easter eggs to the children.
Children in Need
We had a great day and raised £103.40 by wearing own clothes or fancy dress. Thank you so much to everyone for their support
Video coming soon....
Gwyl Cymru Festival
A number of Secondary pupils attended Plas Arthur for a morning of World Cup Football activities hosted by Anglesey Active as part of the Gwyl Cymru Festival. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it.
Red Poppies – Ceint 3
Pupils of Ceint 3 have been busy creating poppy badges to mark Remembrance Sunday. The pupils
Christmas Cards Canol 2
The Canol 2 crew have been busy creating Christmas cards to sell at the school reception. Thanks also to Cain and Ser Bach shops in Llangefni for selling cards on our behalf.
Inclusive Christmas Service
Primary 5, Primary 3B and Canol 1 went on a trip to Bangor Cathedral to attend an inclusive Christmas Service. Well done everyone for singing great!
Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Brandon Thorman (wELSH ONLY)
Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Brandon Thorman am ddod yn 2ail gyda gwaith 3D yn Eisteddfod Yr Urdd Sir Ddinbych. Congratulations to Brandon Thorman who came 2nd with his 3D work in the Urdd Eisteddfod.
Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Cynradd 1 (wELSH ONLY)
Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Cynradd 1 am ddod yn 1af gyda gwaith 3D yn Eisteddfod Yr Urdd Sir Ddinbych. Congratulations to Cynradd 1 who came 1st with their creative 3D work in the Urdd Eisteddfod.
Llongyfarchiadau i Dosbarth Cynradd 3a (Welsh only)
Llongyfarchiadau i Dosbarth Cynradd 3a am ddod yn Ail yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd Sir Ddinbych. Congratulations to Cynradd 3a who came 2nd with their 2D work in Eisteddfod yr Urdd Denbighshire.
Llongyfarchiadau i Dosbarth Ceint 2 (Welsh only)
Llongyfarchiadau i Dosbarth Ceint 2 am ddod yn 1af gyda gwaith creadigol 2D yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd Sir Ddinbych. Congratulations to Ceint 2 who came 1st with their creative 2D work in Eisteddfod yr Urdd Denbighshire.
Llongyfarchiadau i Dosbarth Canol 2 (Welsh only)
Llongyfarchiadau i Dosbarth Canol 2 am ddod yn Ail yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd Sir Ddinbych. Congratulations to Canol 2 who came 2nd with their 2D work in Eisteddfod yr Urdd Denbighshire.
Llongyfarchiadau i Levi Taylor (Welsh only)
Llongyfarchiadau i Levi Taylor am ddod yn Ail yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd Sir Ddinbych. Congratulations to Levi Taylor who came 2nd with his 2D work in Eisteddfod yr Urdd Denbighshire.
Llongyfarchiadau i Dosbarth Cynradd 5 (Welsh only)
Llongyfarchiadau i Dosbarth Cynradd 5 am ddod yn Ail yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd Sir Ddinbych gyda gwaith 3D. Congratulations to Cynradd 5 who came 2nd with their 3D work in Eisteddfod yr Urdd Denbighshire.
Daffodils /St David's Day
Ceint 3 hve been busy creating clay badges as part of their Agored Cymru Work to celebrate St David's Day, it is possible to buy some at the school or Cain shop in Llangefni

Cynradd 4 enjoy visiting a gymnastics gym in Holyhead on a weekly basis- the children love it there!
Hei Sion Corn
Pupils and staff have been busy composing a new Christmas song. Mr Gethin Thomas wrote 'Hei sion Corn' for the pupils. The pupils also designed the cover, the winning cover is designed by Kian Smith and appears on itunes and Spotify. We were very lucky to have the radio presenter and actress Catrin Angharad to sing the by with the pupils. The staff and children created a video for the song and was watched on Fabebook over 2,000 times!
Litter Picking
Ceint 4 have been very busy looking at the environment by litter picking on a weekly basis – Well done!
The Ceint 3 class have been studying the work of artist Cefyn Burgess, and have created an exhibition of their finished work. They’ve worked very hard with Miss Fretwell the art teacher, Islwyn and Chloe. The exhibition looks great.

New Mini Bus
Canol 2 ClassCanol 2 have been busy learning the words and Makaton signs to the Welsh poem 'Dawns y Dail' by T.Llew Jones. |
Ceint 4 ClassThis term pupils in Ceint 4 have take part in a range of work experience projects. They have enjoyed recycling paper and have made fuel bricks to sell in the future. They have also been working hard in the Horticulture area, weeding and preparing beds for more plants. Great work Ceint 4. |
Ceint 3 Class
Since returning in September, as a class we have been learning how to use Google Classrooms – We love it!
24.09.20 - Carnedd 5 Class
Cynradd 5 have been very busy this half term with activities based on the theme food.
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Happy Birthday
new CafE furniture
Children in NeedThank you for all your contributions.
Basketball Competition
Sports Day
cookingCynradd 5 pupils enjoying cooking.
Secondary Pupils enjoying the new trikes following a fundraising campaign for the school. |
Eisteddfod!A very successful Eisteddfod was held at the Canolfan Addysg Y Bont this year. There were singing, recitation, and instrumental competitions during the day. It was a fun afternoon. The School was very lucky to have two Governors as judges - Mr Peter Davies and Mrs Donna Calveley. Well done everyone! |
GymnasticsA gymnastics competition was run in partnership with the Welsh Gymnastics Rotary and Disability Sport Wales in school. Pupils from other schools came to join in the competition. There has been a success and pupils went to Bala to compete further. Everyone enjoyed and everyone has received a ribbon or medal, |
St David's Day
Red Nose DayThe school were busy raising money for a good cause, there were delicious cakes for sale, pupils wore their own clothes, and the staff took part in guess the baby game. A very busy day with everyone contributing to a good cause. |
Celebrating World Book Day
FootballA group of CAYB footballers visited Eirias Park Colwyn Bay to take part in a football tournament. They scored several goals, maybe the footballers of the future ?! |
Easter Egg HuntCynradd 4 loved their Easter egg hunt, looking for all the chocolate eggs that were left for them in the sensory garden.
Cynradd 5 class took an interest in Welsh Legends during the Term. Work was done in class on the tale of Cantre'r Gwaelod, Branwen and Gelert the faithful dog. After all the hard work there was nothing left to do but jump in the minibus to see the parts of Wales referred to in the legends. We visited Harlech Castle and Beddgelert |
Work experience
Pili Palas
Raising Awareness for Down Syndrome Day. |
Thank you very much to Cymell, Holyhead for creating a fabulous mud kitchen for the Foundation Phase. It was nice to see old faces of ex pupils, here is a picture of Cymell presenting the kitchen. |
National Healthy school AwardRead about our students' success on receiving the 'National Healthy School Quality Award' on page 5 - click here |
Christmas Show 2017We had a very successful Christmas show yet again this year at Canolfan Addysg Y Bont. The children’s performance was fantastic. Over 500 people come to watch during the two performances. There was also a craft fair being held during both days. Thanks to all the staff for their hard work and to everyone for their support. |
CricketEvery Friday morning during this term part of the school was turned into the ' Oval ', with pupils experiencing and learning how to play cricket. Many thanks to Sam from Cricket Wales for the sessions and for organising the tournament in Plas Arthur. |
Teams 4 U – Christmas BoxesCynradd 3b, Cynradd 5 and Canol have been busy buying goods and preparing boxes for vulnerable children in Romania. The boxes were collected by Teams4U, which supports communities across the world. |
Caban Hud – PontioMr T has been very busy working with Rhodri Sion who was responsible for the Caban Hud show in Pontio. Rhodri Sion came to the school to work with certain clases. Cynradd 1 and Cynradd 5 were very fortunate of visiting Pontio to see the performance of Caban Hud. |
Fairtrade School
St David's Day
The pupils have enjoyed competing in 3 activities - Floor, Volts and the Bench. The competition was between Ysgol Pendalar, Y Gogarth and Ysgol y Graig. 13 of the our pupils were successful in their categories, they will now compete in Bala, where they will represent their region at the National Finals. |
Tenpin Bowling Tournament
Click here to see more pictures |
Road Safety
Chinese New Year
Classes Cynradd 5 and Cynradd 3 were part of a parade going around the school with a large Chinese dragon and drums, the rest of the school enjoyed coming out of their classes to see them. The two classes were also very lucky to taste some Chinese food. Thank you very much to Hoo Chung, Llangefni for donating all the food, it was extremely tasty Click here to see more pictures |
Charity shopFollowing the success of the charity shop last year, Ceint 3 will be running the shop again this year in Holyhead. The initiative allows pupils to gain valuable experience and at the same time raise money for the school. We are very grateful for any contribution such as shoes, books, clothes, games, toys or utensils. The shop will be open in March. |
School Creative Lead
School council
Hope houseFollowing the great success of the Christmas concert, the school was able to contribut £650 to Hope House this year. As a registered charity they need to raise £6 million this year in order to be able to support children and families in need. We are very pleased as a school to have been able to help.. |
Beacon CenterAs part of Duke of Edinburgh some secondary school pupils have had a chance to go to Beacon Centre in Caernarfon. Here the pupils have the opportunity to climb the walls and get valuable advice from the leaders. They enjoyed learning how to use ropes safely and how to work as a team. Gethin Thomas their teacher said that it is pleasing to see that children enjoy and develop confidence from week to week. |
Art workshop
Llywelyn Ifan Jones
Science Week
Fairtrade Fortnight 2016
GymnasticsCongratulations to all the pupils who took part in this year's Gymnastics Competition. It was a great day at school, with pupils from other primary schools joining to compete. The winners then went on to the final in Bala and were very successful there. Well done everyone. |
PontioFollowing the opening of the new Pontio building in Bangor, some members of the school were very lucky to have been part of performance "There's Place 'in conjunction with NoFit State Circus. Young people joined from other schools such as Glanadda, Glancegin, Friars and Hirael to participate in the show. The atmosphere during the performance was amazing and thrilling. It was a fantastic experience for our pupils to have performed next to such artists. Click here to read a review. |
Careers Week - Charity Shop
Easter Eggs
Celebrating St David’s Day with Canolfan Addysg Y Bont
Thanks to Cain siop in Llangefni ( ) Beaumaris Jewellery Studio ( ) and 'Ena's Newsagent' in Beaumaris for selling these on our behalf.
Charity ShopThe school will open a charity shop in Holyhead from the 7th of March. Drop in for a bargain, the shop is located in the town center. |
Thank you
Penhesgyn recycling center
It was a great experience for pupils to develop their understanding of recycling, and learn interesting facts about how small it is possible to use the items after being processed. e.g. there is enough gold in 50 mobile phone to make a wedding ring! And you can make a school jumper with 50 recycled plastic bottles! The pupils received a Sustainable Arts & Crafts Book, which is full of ideas about how to create crafts by reusing items at home and save money at the same time. A big thank you to the staff of the center for their time! Click here to see more pictures |
Exhibition at Oriel Ynys Môn
Ser Bach
Ysgol Parc Y Bont
Pili PalasCanol and year 9 pupils from Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni will merge together to work on an art project. Over the coming months the two schools will share ideas, visit each other and work together to create a piece of artwork that will be exhibited at both schools. These sessions allowed the group to visit Pili Palas to get a chance to draw live like pictures of butterflies to start off the project. Everyone enjoyed themselves and the pupils are very keen to get to work with their new friends again and visit Ysgol Gyfun. |
Thank YouWe would like to thank as a community to the families of Williams Thomas Jones (Gaerwen) and Anita May Jones (Llangefni) for the kind donation to the school following recent funerals. |
Christmas ShowWe had a very successful Christmas show yet again this year at Canolfan Addysg Y Bont. The children’s performance was fantastic. Over 500 people come to watch during the two performances. There was also a craft fair being held during both days. Thanks to all the staff for their hard work and to everyone for their support. |
Exhibition at Oriel Ynys Môn
PianoChristmas came early to Canolfan Addysg Y Bont when an electric piano was given as a gift to school. Steve and Jacqui Monaghan contacted the school offering and Korg digital piano for the music department. The piano has had pride and place in the 14-19 section, where both teachers and pupil will have an opportunity to play. A big thank you to Steve and Jacqui. |
Cwmni Clen Visit
Christmas Boxes
Children In Need
ScienceAs part of science work Cynradd 5 had a fantastic opportunity and insight when they visited Fferam y Llan, Llangristiolus. The visit allowed pupils to ask questions to the farmer to find out where milk comes from. We saw some cows being milked and calves being fed. Many thanks for the welcome. |
MusicPlease find below a link where the pbone use in the music lessons in CAYB is being highlighted : |
Busy Autumn TermThe first half term back has flown by. We would like to welcome new pupils to the school, everyone has now settled in well in their new classes. |
School Council
BocswnA group of children have been recording with Bocswn recently. They have writtien a pop song with their teacher Gethin Thomas and the single is almost ready for release. They have performed at the school with a full band of experienced musicians. They were very lucky to get Wyn Pearson playing the guitar on the track, he has performed with Dafydd Iwan, Catherine Jenkins and Alfie Boe. We hope the single will be released in the coming months. |
Forest FestivalCanol and Cynradd 5 recently attended the Forest Festival at Plas Newydd for the day. It was a great opportunity for pupils to visit the forest and participate in many activities, games, learn about different trees, and how to survive in the forest. Everyone had a great time. |
ThanksgivingA Thanksgiving service was held in the school and pupils were given the opportunity to say what they were thankful for. A number of pupils bought food tins to donate to Pantri Pobl Anglesey Food Bank Llangefni. We would like to thank the Reverend Hywel Davies for popping in to see us. |
TrombonesBBC's main trumpeter Andy Everton came to visit. Andy was playing at a concert with the orchestra in Llandudno and decided to call in at the school to work with children and music teacher Mr Gethin Thomas. Children had the opportunity to play their trombones with Andy and compose classical music. |
Benyounes QuartetBenyounes Quartet also came to visit. Benyounes Quartet is a very successful string quartet from London. The children had the pleasure of listening and being part of a workshop with the quartet. |
Investors in PeopleCanolfan Addysg Y Bont are delighted to have been awarded the Investor's in People 'Silver' standard recently, following an external assessment. It is very pleasing to have external expertise confirm that as an establishment, everyone's contribution is valued, and core values are shared. We must always remember that our staff are the most valuable resource we have. |
Samba!The summer season is a busy one for the music department. We are currently preparing our Samba band to perform on the square in Llangefni during the week of Gwyl Cefni. Also our brass band will perform Grieg pieces in a concert at school in conjunction with Menter Môn. |
Joseph ShowCeint 3 have been extremely busy over the past few weeks making sausage and bacon baps to sell to staff. With proceeds they went over to Venue Cymru, Llandudno to see the show Joseph, they all enjoyed very much. |
Red Nose Day
Gymnastics Competition
To view more of the photos on Flickr, click here. |
Charity ShopAgain this year, a group of pupils from school ran a charity shop for a week at Holyhead. The shop has again been a success with the pupils experience working and running a shop. Thanks to everyone who has supported this initiative. |