Privacy Notice - Children and Young People

Privacy Notice - Children and young People
(How we use pupil information)
The school collects and uses information about you for a lot of reasons shown in this document, which is called a ‘Privacy Notice’.
We want to let you know that your information is safe with us. This is just a quick word to let you know how we collect the information, how we will record it and how we will use it.
The school has to be given information to ensure you are safe and help make sure you receive a good level of education.
You can ask your parents or carers to help you with your personal information. You can say that they can ask questions or fill forms in for you if you are happy for them to do this. The school might sometimes ask your parents and carers for your personal information and ask if it is ok for us to use it with some things.
Your parents or carers might want to read our main ‘Privacy Notice’ document which gives more information.
Your personal information
The school collects your personal information.
Everyone has personal information. This can be:
• your name;
• your address;
• your date of birth;
• a picture or recording of you.
This is information that could be used to identify you. This helps people know who you are and what you need.
What information do we have about you?
The information we have about you may include:
• personal details like your name, address, date of birth;
• information about you, like where you are from, what language you speak and
things like that;
• information about keeping you safe including any support you get from social services;
• any extra support you need to help you learn;
• information about your health, medications that you take, any food allergies and information about Covid-19 test results (including information about any times you’ve been ill and any special medical conditions you have we need to know about to keep you safe);
• your attendance records and any actions taken to deal with problems (how many times you missed school and why you couldn’t come to school);
• your school tests and exam results;
• information about your behaviour (incidents that have happened during school time, the number of times you have been excluded and why);
• information about school trips and activities that you have been on;
• your parents or carers’ names and phone numbers;
• photos, videos or images from on-line streaming.
Some of the information about you is sensitive. This is special information about who you are, such as your health, the colour of your skin, what you believe about religion.
This information helps us know who you are and what you need.
The school is responsible for looking after your personal information and we look at how and why your information is collected and used.
What are we doing with your information?
We use information in different ways. We have to collect your information to help us do our job and to follow the law.
We collect information about you so that we can:
• support your learning;
• keep you safe and to protect you;
• provide the right care and support;
• monitor and report on your progress;
• check the quality of our service;
• check if you need extra support with learning;
• check your attendance;
• communicate with you and your parents or carers;
• organise trips and activities;
• comply with the law around sharing information;
• to protect the health of everyone.
Laws around using and keeping your information safe
There are laws about how to keep personal information safe. They give you more control over your personal information and anyone collecting personal information. There is a new law in place called:
UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR)
It gives you more control over your personal information.
It makes sure anyone collecting information has to:
• tell you why they want your personal information;
• be clear about what they will do with your personal information;
• make sure they keep your personal information safe;
• get rid of your personal information when they no longer need it.
Another law is the Data Protection Act 2018.
We need to have a legal reason to use your personal information. It's called the 'lawful basis for processing'. We are doing this because of the following reasons:
• to comply with a legal obligation;
• to perform a public interest task;
• for the performance of a contract.
You must give us quite a lot of the information we need, but there is some information that you can choose whether to let us have it or not.
When we ask you for information that you don’t have to give us, we will ask you or your parents or carers for permission (‘consent’) and let you know why we want it and what we will do with it. If you don’t want us to have the information, that’s your choice.
How we collect your personal information
We collect your information through asking you or your parents or carers to fill in forms at the beginning of the school year. We sometimes ask for it at other times of the year when we need it. If you move school, you information will come to us or the new school when you move.
We use CCTV cameras in the school so that we can keep you safe. These are around the school and you will see signs telling you about the cameras. We might share the videos that the cameras have recorded so we can keep you safe and to help with stopping crime.
We will sometimes check with you or with your parents or carers if the information that we have is still correct. If your information changes we want you or your parents or carers to tell us so that we can make sure that we have the right information about you.
How we look after your information
We make sure that we keep your information safe. We keep information about you protected and locked to make sure that it does not get lost or changed by accident or someone who is not supposed to see it can see it.
All members of staff working at the school have to keep your information confidential (secret) unless there is a need to protect you and keep you safe. Only people who need to see your information can see it.
If something goes wrong with looking after your personal information, we have a way of looking in to what has happened. We will tell you or your parents or carers if you need to know about what has happened.
How long we keep your information
We keep different information for different lengths of time depending what the information is. We don’t keep it forever, only for as long as we need it to help us do the thing we need it for.
We have a ‘Schools Data Retention Schedule’ which is a document that tells us for how long we need to keep the information and when to get rid of it. You can ask the Headteacher if you want to see this.
How will we get rid of your personal information
We will get rid of any paper or computer records with your personal information in a safe way.
Who we share your information with
We won't share information about you with anyone else, except in special cases, like when it will help keep you safe. Sometimes we have to give your information to other people, such as the government, but we will only share your information when you say it’s ok or when the law says we can or should.
If we share your personal information we will explain who we are sharing it with and we will make sure that we keep it safe.
We only share information that has your personal information with people and organisations that we need to share it with. When your information is given to someone else, they must look after it and keep it safe.
We might share information with:
• teachers and other staff at school;
• your family or your carers;
• other schools;
• our local authority, the Isle of Anglesey County Council;
• Social services and other places so that we can protect you and keep you safe;
• Welsh Government;
• organisations that check that the school is doing what it is supposed to like Estyn and GwE (School Effectiveness and Improvement Service for North Wales);
• youth support services;
• organisations that decide what you are learning and that set exams;
• colleges like Grŵp Coleg Menai Llandrillo and other education places;
• organisations doing research or questionnaires;
• people that look after your health like school nurses and dentists;
• Test, Trace and Protect Service (Public Health Wales and the Isle of Anglesey County Council) about Covid-19;
• the Police and courts;
• newspapers if we are sharing photos and news about school activities;
• suppliers and service providers (organisations that the school pays to help us with your learning and with running the school);
• community, sport, music and socialising groups like the Urdd.
Your rights
You have all the same ‘rights’ about your personal information as adults do.
You have the right to:
• ask to see personal information we have about you (see more about this below);
• be told how we use your personal information;
• ask us to change any personal information that you think is wrong;
• ask us to delete your personal information in some circumstances;
• ask us to only use your information in certain ways in some circumstances, but not when we need to get you support or to keep you safe;
• ask us not to use your personal information in some circumstances if it is making you unhappy;
• ask us to remove your personal information from our systems and give it to another organisation to use on their systems in some circumstances;
• prevent automatic decision making. This is when a computer makes a decision about you.
You can complain if you think we’re not respecting your rights. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is there to help you. Their contact information is at the end.
Asking to see personal information we have about you
You can ask us to see what personal information we have about you. This is called a “data subject access request”. This means that you can ask us for a copy of the personal information about you that we have.
If you want to ask for your personal information, please ask the school office.
We will share copies of your personal information with you within one month. If it is complicated, we will give you copies of your information within three months.
We might ask you to tell us more about what information you want from us and to ask you to give us information that shows us who you are.
In some situations, we might not be able to give you some or all of the information that you have asked us for. We will explain why we are not able to give it to you.
If you have questions or want more information
Thank you for reading this. If have questions about your personal information, please ask the school office.
Telephone: 01248 750 151
Address: Ffordd Cildwrn, Llangefni, Ynys Mon LL77 7PG
If you would like to find out more information about how we collect, use and keep your personal information, please ask to see our ‘Schools Data Protection Policy’.
There is also a person that looks after information in schools who is the Schools Data Protection Officer that works in the Council. You can also talk to them and ask them questions. This is their contact details:
Telephone: 01248 751833
Address: Learning Service, Isle of Anglesey County Council, Council Offices, Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7TW
You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you want to make a complaint or want to know more information about your rights. Their contact details are:
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Address: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF