Wellbeing / Safeguarding

Welfare Officer: Angela Bennett
The Educational Welfare Officer visits the school regularly. The school also co operates closely with a number of outside agencies such as Educational Psychologists, Social Services, Child Development Team, Health Authority and the N.S.P.C.C.
Here's a letter from the NSPCC outlining what's available to support children and families during COVID-19 - click here to read more
Cyngor Lles 2022-2023
Millie Owen
Kian Williams
Leo Harris
Osian Williams
Tristan S-Barlow
Rio Thorman
Freddie Manton
Harri Rowlands
Joseph Hutchinson
Lucy Jaycock
David Williams
Lowri Rowlands
Levi Taylor
Rosie Taylor
Robert Williams
Elliott B-Cole
Shannon Thomas
Katie Newman
Keep Learning Safe (pdf)